Monday, June 22, 2009

Good News

Dear Readers,

Things are going well with the project ...on many fronts.

- Installation on the first digester has been completed and is currently being tested and filled. Asoka from the Energy Forum tells me that they hope to have electricity being generated within July.

- The best piece of news is that USAID - via SARI/Energy have agreed to contribute USD 7,000 towards the second biogas digester. Therefore a second digester is now a confirmed reality.
This also dramatically reduces the Empower Team's need to focus on covering costs and allows us to focus on income generation strategies and project evaluation.

- The Rural Enterprise Network are expected to submit their proposal for the village of Kirigalpotha within the next week. This will serve as a platform for capacity building and income generation that will complement electricity generation.

- I will be in Sri Lanka from the 4th of July to the 7th of August. I will be meeting with all our project partners and visiting Kirigalpotha. Expect plenty of footage :)

- Finally, Empower plans to host a fund raising event in September-October (Sydney) once the remaining project costs have been finalized.

A special thank you goes out to all my team members for all their support. I hope all your exams went well ! Time to rest :)

We shall be in touch with regard to the proposed income generation strategy and organising a fundraiser in the coming months.

Over and Out,

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