Saturday, March 14, 2009


Sri Lanka

It's been a busy month at both ends. The Energy Forum and residents of the Pitawela hamlet have excavated the construction site for the Biogas Digester. Construction of the Digester is estimated to be completed within the month. During April the digester will be loaded with paddy straw and leaves to initiate the first cycle for Biogas production. The cycle is said to take approximately 30days, meaning that electricity generation would be possible by the end of May/Early June.

We expect more live footage and pictures once construction is complete and of course ...when the lights come on! Personally, I hope to be there by the end of June/early July and visit the village in person. It will no doubt be a surreal experience and a great opportunity to meet members of the community, discuss income generation options and of course film interviews for our documentary on the project.

The disappointing news is that Practical Action have put a freeze on project funding for the time being as the Economic Crisis has devalued the British Pound, making their operations in Sri Lanka far more expensive as compared to a year ago. We're hoping the situation will improve and that the Australian Dollar will strengthen (even marginally) over the next few months.

Meanwhile the Kirigalpotha Biogas Consumer Society (formed as a support and maintenance mechanism for the project), comprising of all the beneficiaries from the first phase, held a meeting. Specifics about where the pit would be excavated, the caretaker of the generator and other logistical necessities were discussed.


Meanwhile at our end. Uni is back in session and so is the accompanying scarcity of time. Meetings during the holidays have resulted in us being able to pursue some funding options. Most notably Empower applied for the ARC UNSW Off Campus Community Grant and we expect word on the outcome in the coming weeks. We hope that the document and DVD demonstrating the work done with the previous grant will convince the community that the project is deserving of support.

We will be holding an AGM this Friday (20th) at UNSW. At the top of the agenda is the formation of smaller specialised teams in order to focus on 3-4 key aspects of the project. A number of new students have expressed interest in joining the project. This is very encouraging as fresh ideas and enthusiasm will do alot to ensure that we are able to do our very best by the residents of Kirigalpotha.

That's all for now.

Over and Out,

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