It has been a while since an update has been posted, mainly due to most of the team being swamped with university assignments and exam preparation. While some of us have crossed the line and completed the semester, a few of us still have a bit more to go. Good Luck to you!
The good news is that Empower is a registered association (not for profit). While this does not entitle us to all the benefits of a registered not for profit entity, it's useful leverage when applying for grants and dealing with other organisations. We found that applying for full-fledged Not for Profit status would be intensive with regard to accounting and management requirements (for accountability). Given that we are a small freelance team, the practically of such a decision is questionable. However, this will be fully discussed during our next meeting (before the end of the month).

Meanwhile we aim to explore the possibility of applying for more grants and perhaps organising an event/fundraising drive within the SL Community. The project has been getting more personal donations from interested individuals. Our sincere thanks to you all.

As you can see, the exchange rate makes a huge difference. Let's hope that the negative impact is cushioned over the next few weeks and months. Either way both the Empower team and Energy Forum are committed towards making this project work. We're well over the 50% mark regardless of the scenario :)
The Energy Forum is completing its design plans for the digesters and plans to commence installation shortly. I will post an update on specifics once I get them. There was a delay due to heavy rain. Though everything else seems to be falling into place with regard to initiating the project.
That's all for now,